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I am very happy with the service, quality of cleaning and Kerry who is excellent.

-Mr R, Aston-on-Trent

It was really nice experience with clean home. Emma was very helpful. Got very nice service even on urgent request. I must say clean home made my life easier!

-Mrs K, Derby

Excellent service all round.Very satisfied.

-Mrs M, Aston-on-Trent
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Keeping your domestic heating bills down in Winter

Keeping your domestic heating bills down in Winter 1. If you work from home: heat smart – heat locally If you’re working from home in the winter, you’ll want to keep warm, but if you’re like many home-based workers, you’re probably alone in an empty house all day. It can be tempting to whack up […]

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How to remove difficult stains from mattresses

It’s not the most glamorous of topics, but mattresses get a lot of use! We spend a third of our lives sleeping, so it’s worth keeping beds clean and hygienic Continuing a theme of keeping your sleeping area clean and safe, we have some tips for getting rid of the most common stains likely to […]

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Cleaning your mattress at home

You can wash your bedlinen and even your duvet and pillows, but keeping the mattresses of your beds clean is a tricky task. Never fear! Here are some steps you can take that may help you get a fresh clean mattress again! Step 1: Check the care guide Before starting to clean your mattress, you […]

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Household cleaning hacks: The surprising alternative uses for … tea

You can spend a lot of money on cleaning products made and advertised by big companies. We’re taking a look at some alternatives you can find in the usual stuff you keep around your home! Today … Tea! Ok, hands up: who knew that regular tea – the stuff millions of us drink a lot […]

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Household cleaning hacks: Baking Soda!

You can spend a lot of money on cleaning products made and advertised by big companies. Over the coming weeks, let’s look at some alternatives you can find in the usual stuff you keep around your home! Today … Baking soda Ok, we’ll start with the one most people know about: the humble but mighty […]

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Why use a domestic cleaning service?

Having your home cleaned by professional domestic cleaners is not unusual these days. What are the benefits, and how could it change your life for the better? Today we’re looking at what Cleanhome clients have told us about what’s made them happy! Your home is always ready for the unexpected You know the scenario: you’ve […]

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Tips to store your Christmas decorations!

Photo by Tessa Rampersad on Unsplash Storing your Christmas decorations shouldn’t be a hassle! We’ve all wondered how to store away our Christmas decorations safely. I know I’m not the only one whos unpacked all the boxes from the loft to find my favourite bauble in pieces. This year make the change and follow some […]

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Look after your houseplants – and they will look after you!

Photo by vadim kaipov on Unsplash Research shows that as well as adding a touch of extra life to your home, house plants can help make you healthier too We live in increasingly sealed boxes. In order to be efficient, modern houses are built to be as airtight as possible; air exchange with the outdoors […]

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Give your rusty tools a new lease of life

You don’t have to fork out for new tools when yours start to rust. Use these handy tips to get them back to their sparkling best.

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Our top 8 alternative uses for … toothpaste!

Toothpaste has all sorts of uses around the home you might not have expected. Here are a few of our favourites.

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8 great tips for decluttering to improve your life!

From Marie Kondo to IKEA adverts, the practice of decluttering has long been touted as a great way to improve your life. But how can it really help you and improve your life – and how can you get it done? What is clutter? Most people think that clutter is just having ‘too much stuff’, […]

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Top 10 Clean Up Songs For Kids

Updated: 10th May 2021 Top 10 Clean Up Songs For Kids Is clean-up time causing endless headaches? This is your secret weapon for turning a mess into a work of clean room full of organised(ness). When clean up time comes around, it’s great to get the little hands involved as much as possible. A fantastic […]

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10 Things You Can Clean With Lemons

Updated: 10th April 2021 5 Things You Can Clean With Lemons 1. Clean the microwave Want it in video version? Check out this fantastic YouTube video showing you how to clean a microwave with a lemon Lemons will work wonders in cleaning your microwave, getting rid of last weeks curry explosion and last nights […]

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Spring Cleaning Checklist

Updated: 23rd March 2021 Spring Cleaning Checklist 2021 It’s finally here, after a long lockdown winter – Spring is here! It’s time to refresh your home and bring back that sparkle. We’ve created the only Spring Cleaning Checklist you need this year to deep clean your house. Broken down room by room, we’ve even included […]

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Struggling to find motivation to keep on top of cleaning during lockdown?

It can be really hard to find the motivation to clean, especially when most of us have been stuck at home for multiple lockdowns over the past year. Many of us are feeling a little low and are struggling to find the energy to clean or do other menial tasks these days.   There are […]

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How often should I clean this? (Monthly Edition)

In the third blog in our “How often should I clean this?” series we will be covering the things that should be cleaned monthly.    Clean washing machine   One cleaning “hack” that has gone viral recently is using dishwasher tablets in your washing machine to clean it. This is something that should NEVER be […]

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How often should I clean this? (Weekly Edition)

Weekly/weekend cleaning is a routine many of us including myself follow. But what really needs cleaning once a week? I’ve put together a list of things that should be cleaned once a week as part of my “How often should i clean this?” series.    Clean the floors  Vacuuming carpets and rugs should be a […]

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How often should I clean this?

In the new world of everyone being at home all the time keeping on top of cleaning can be difficult. With added mess of the kids being home and the all around extra use of the house it can become difficult to manage. I for one, have been rushing around cleaning things I never knew […]

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How to disinfect deliveries

As I write the title for this blog, it really strikes me: the strangeness of the world we suddenly live in. The New Normal Distancing ourselves from friends and family. Queuing in long nightclub-style lines (but quieter and spaced out), one-out-one-in, for the supermarket.  A few weeks ago, the idea of all this would have […]

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What to clean when someone in your house is ill

With almost all news stories recently being dominated by the Chinese Virus called Coronavirus, we thought it would be a good time to talk through the top areas to clean as soon as anyone in your house, especially a child, gets ill. These tips should help to keep illness away and stop it from spreading […]

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Things you didn’t know you could recycle

Many of us have heard of the “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” scheme and try to live by it within our households. There are many products and items around your house that you may not know can actually be sent to different companies and be reused or recycled.    Crayons  Crayons may not be a common item […]

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DIY Cleaning mistakes that make your house dirtier

When doing simple DIY cleaning around the house many people make these common mistakes which result in more dirt and dust buildup.    Overloading your dishwasher  Stacking too many dishes and utensils in your dishwasher will actually leave your dishes unclean. Not only will food particles be unable to escape between the dishes but the […]

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How to keep your kitchen clean when preparing your Christmas meal

Christmas dinner is often the highlight of the day for many people. The downside to this however, is the clearing up. The process of cooking your Christmas dinner can be made much more efficient and easier to clean up with these great tips. Plan. The key to cooking a good Christmas meal is to plan […]

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How to clean wooden floors

Wooden floors are a beautiful addition to almost any house. Whether it is laminate or hardwood, the finish they give is great and the added cleanliness of wood over carpet is great. Many people however think they are extremely difficult to clean and that they require a lot of care to maintain. This however, is […]

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Balloon and Dart Painting

This month we at Cleanhome are having a Kids Projects Month. This means our blogs this month will be focussed around simple projects you can do with the kids using household objects. Our project for the month is Balloon and Dart Paintings.   Things you will need: Poster Paints A canvas/Paper Balloons  Darts or something […]

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5 quick and easy oven maintenance tips

The oven is one of the most well used pieces of equipment we have in our homes, so it’s prone to dangerous build ups of dirt and grime. In this article, Mike Hardman from kitchen and catering industry suppliers Alliance Online shares his tips for looking after your oven. Not only is a dirty oven […]

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How to clean hard water buildup

When living in a hard water area, dealing with the buildups it causes becomes a very regular struggle. Hard water build ups are caused by minerals in the water such as calcium and magnesium. These stains tend to appear on glass, porcelain, tiles and metal surfaces. Meaning things such as taps or tiles in bathrooms […]

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How to clean and maintaining kitchen bamboo tools

Bamboo kitchen tools are a brilliant addition to any kitchen. They are versatile and look smart in any kitchen. Did you know bamboo tools are not actually wooden as bamboo is classed as a type of grass. Cleaning bamboo tools is something that requires some care. Do not wash your new tools in the dishwasher […]

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LED Life Hacks

LEDs or Light Emitting Diodes were first produced in 1968. They are a very small and energy efficient lights often used as an indicator in small devices. These lights are now being used frequently to add light in small areas or to decorate places around the house. Read on for tips on where to put […]

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More ways to keep on top of your computer/desk cleaning

After reading a fellow cleanhome blog about how to keep your desk clean and tidy we thought we would throw some more tips your way. Having a tidy desk can very often lead to a much better working performance. When you have phone calls and emails and people coming into the desk all on top […]

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Sunday afternoon projects with the Kids –

Keeping children entertained through the long weekends can be tricky to most of us. With summer holidays just around the corner stock up on these handy little crafts to do with the kids.   Craft stick Airplanes – These simple and easy Airplanes have very little requirements but have potential for hours of fun. You […]

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What is the best method for cleaning windows?

Why is it important to have clean windows and what is the best method for cleaning windows? Windows in a home are more than just a visual sight. Windows not only help keep our homes cool in warm weather providing much-needed ventilation, while also protect us from cold weather when it snowing outside, or those […]

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Cleaning Industry Health and Safety

The Cleaning Industry Health and Safety is a vast topic as professional cleaners can be exposed to chemicals and other harmful situations which are hazardous to health. They can be exposed to various hazardous environments, two examples are working in confined spaces or at height. Here we are going to take a quick look at […]

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Great Tips for Cleaning Before the Professional House Cleaning Service Comes

When hiring a professional house cleaning service, it is advised that the owner tidies up before the house cleaner arrives. Some would argue that cleaning the house yourself defeats the purpose of hiring a domestic cleaning service. Tidying up before the house cleaner’s arrival does not mean taking out the mop and cleaning the floors […]

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Why Is It So Difficult To Find Domestic Cleaners in York?

Often people struggle to find domestic cleaners in York that meet their requirements for cleaning their homes and they wonder why. The main reason is that there is such high demand for cleaners in York, so what options do you have?

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Are Professional Cleaning Services a Necessity?

An office is a busy place. Employees need a clean working space, which can lead to a more productive workforce. It also creates a good impression which clients will appreciate whenever they visit the office. Besides this, here are a few reasons why all office owners should hire professional cleaning services…

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4 Health Benefits of Hiring a Professional Cleaning Service

Cleanliness is a virtue. We think that is something everybody can agree with, right? However, if you are someone that is living a very busy life, juggling responsibilities with your work, your family and your friends, the task of thoroughly cleaning your home can become a bit too stressful for you. Overexerting yourself can be […]

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House Cleaning Tips With Pets Around Your Home

It often happens that you have guests over and after having a good long conversation with them and spending some great time catching up, you notice something – their backside is completely covered with your pet’s fur. The amount of mess that your pets can leave in their wake can honestly become quite embarrassing. At […]

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The Importance of Spring Cleaning for Your Home

Ah yes. Spring. The winter decides to fade away and brings the onset of the wonderful colours and the warm kiss of sunshine. Everything outside seems to look very nice, doesn’t it? Well of course it does. The situation inside the house might still be riddled with that gloomy hangover from the cold weather of […]

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Domestic Cleaning Tips To Help You Save Time

If you just found out that you’ve been cleaning your home all wrong then you have come to the right place, as we’ve got some great cleaning tips which we want to share with you. Domestic cleaning services have quite a few tricks up their sleeves when it comes to leaving your home sparkling…

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Choosing the Right Domestic Cleaner can be Easier than You Think

The realisation that you could do with some extra help around the house can come about for a number of different reasons. A hectic working life may be getting in the way of completing those time consuming domestic chores or perhaps you simply want to enjoy your retirement and leave these often mundane tasks to […]

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Bespoke Service

We are not happy until you are! Your cleaner will usually tailor their services to fit exactly with your requirements, including spring cleaning and ironing.

Peace of Mind

Only 1 in 50 applicants makes it on to our carefully screened database. We interview them twice, visit them in their own homes and take up at least two references. And if they still subsequently don't measure up to your standards, we will send you someone who does.

Personal Cleaner

We don't operate in teams, and therefore you get the same cleaner every week. This is good because you develop a relationship with your cleaner. We have some clients who have had the same cleaner for years and years - and that's what we want for you.

COVID-19 5th January Update


Just to let you know we are open for business as usual and you can continue to have your cleaner clean your house.

The government has made it clear that cleaners are still permitted to work inside peoples' homes as long as Government Guidelines on social distancing and staying safe are followed (see below). In summary:

You can be outside of your home for work purposes where your place of work remains open and where you cannot work from home, including if your job involves working in other people's homes.

The full text can be found here New National Restrictions from 5 January (in England; there are similar texts available for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). Specifically relating to cleaners, the guidance continues: 'This guidance applies to those working in, visiting or delivering to home environments. These include, but are not limited to, people working in the following areas:

  • 'This can include work in other people's homes where necessary - for example, for nannies, cleaners, social care workers providing support to children and families, or tradespeople (this is not an exhaustive list)'

Note this guidance is for people who are fit and well, and is dependent on the following social distancing guidelines being followed:

  • No work should be carried out in a household where people are isolating or where an individual is being shielded.
  • The cleaners can continue work, providing that they are well and have no symptoms. No work should be carried out by a cleaner who has coronavirus symptoms, however mild, or when someone in their own household has symptoms.
  • No work should be carried out in a household where any occupants are clinically extremely vulnerable to coronavirus, or households with a possible or confirmed case of coronavirus.
  • Whilst in the house. a cleaner should maintain a safe distance of at least two metres from any household occupant at all times, and ensure good ventilation in the area where they are working, including opening the window.
  • Upon entering the home, cleaners should wash their hands using soap and water for 20 seconds.
  • Cleaners should wash their hands regularly, particularly after blowing their nose, sneezing or coughing, and when leaving the property.

The good news with regard to cleaning is that the cleaners can social distance from their clients very easily, and we would advise that, if you are at home when they are there, that you remain in a separate room to your cleaner.

If you are happy to adhere to the government guidelines - and if your cleaner has not been in touch already - then please just call the office and we will ensure that your cleaning continues.

Best regards

The Cleanhome Team